Yisa's work is in private and public collections around the world including the collections of Canada Life, Manitoba Government, and several international diplomats.
Click videos below to watch the short reviews
© 1998 - 2024 Yisa Akinbolaji. All Rights Reserved
An excerpts from a Facebook user below:
“was feeling a bit down this morning, for no particular reason... went for a long walk, dunno what possessed me, but I popped into the art gallery and came across the artwork of Nigerian painter (now Winnipeger) Yisa Akinbolaji. His artwork lit a flame within me! Inspired me!! Totally lifted my spirits and bitch-slapped any negativity out of me. Lol! I was in awe. Amazing how art can have that effect! Love his artwork - I am an instant fan!!!"

Artist Yisa Akinbolaji was honoured at the Senate in Feb.:
Canadian Hon. Senator Patricia Bovey presented an account of one of the paintings by Yisa Akinbolaji, “Stolen Identities” and recognized the artist in the parliament chambers on February 27, 2019. Please, enjoy the audio by clicking. For the full text click the blue link below:

The VR tour of the exhibition below is being developed

Yisa Akinbolaji is based in Manitoba
In his paintings, Yisa explores and uncovers the possibilities of his creative expression, combining various art expertise and endeavors to display a full range of experiences. Art Business News, New York, featured Yisa on the cover of the November 11 edition of the magazine for his distinctive painting technique.
Yisa Akinbolaji, the founder, past president of the Creative Foundation Inc is a change agent who believes that humanity's best future lies in the hands of today's well-nurtured children.

The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal was awarded to Yisa Akinbolaji at the Manitoba Legislature Building in Winnipeg, Canada on December 1, 2022.
"As an artist, I have an obligation to shine a bright light and document what is missing in a society, so we can work together and make the world a better place for everyone." Yisa Akinbolaji

Winnipeg, Manitoba is for now my central location from where I create my art and share my message with the world - Yisa Akinbolaji